
Á að baka í dag? | Baking today?

Heil helgi framundan og heldur betur tækfæri til þess að baka, prufa nýjar uppskriftir og njóta! Ég var að skoða fullt af fallegum myndum af kökum með yngri syninum og hann benti á það sem honum leist á og vildi að við bökuðum "Þorraköku". Mér finnst það ansi góð hugmynd hjá honum þar sem við erum á leið í þorrablót í kvöld og Þorrakaka hljómar mun betur en súrir hrútspungar og lundabaggar ;)

Þannig að nú er bara að velja réttu Þorrakökuna....


A whole weekend ahead with oppertunities for baking and enjoying something good. Me and my younger son were looking at some beautiful photos of cakes and he was pointing at what he fancied the most...mainly huge chocolat cakes! Then he came up with the idea to bake a Þorra-cake (Þorri is the old name for the month in wich Icelanders eat sour food, old food...nasty food like back in the days ;)). As you might detect I am not into this food but as we are going to a family gathering tonight wich celebrates this custom I thought that this idea sounded good. Eating a lovely chocolate "Þorra" cake is much better than eating sour balls of a lamb or lambs head (pardon the language).

So now we just have to select the right cake...


Enjoy your weekend!

p.s. check out our offer at the webshop. We are giving a 20% discount of every product, the coupon code is VINUR where it says Have a coupon and you´ll get your discount. And we do ship internationally :)


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