
Flottar myndir að vestan / Cool photos from Iceland

Ljósmyndasíðan Benni photography er ein af flottustu myndasíðum sem ég hef rekist á. Myndirnar hans frá æskuslóðunum eru svo fallegar að manni langar bara að komast sem fyrst aftur vestur. Mig langar til að deila nokkrum af myndunum hans hérna og kíkið svo endilega á síðuna hans bæði á Facebook og Flickr.


Benni photography is one of the most beautiful photography page I have ever seen. Many of his pictures are taken in the place I grew up in and they make me want to go back there as soon as possible. Here are some of his pictures, to see more of his beautiful photography visit his home page on Flickr and his Facbook page.

Svalvogar í Dýrafirði þangað förum við systur á hverju ári til að dást að náttúrunni | Taken in the fjord we were born in and we go there every summer to breathe in the beauty
Þessi vegur liggur að honum Skeggja okkar, fallega fjallinu í Arnafirði. | This rough and a bit scary road leads to our favorite mountain, Skeggi in Arnarfjörður
Þingeyri, okkar fögru æskustöðvar | Þingeyri, our beautiful birthplace
"Sjáið tindinn þarna fór ég" Kaldbakur hæsta fjall Vestfjarða í bakgrunni | Kaldbakur the highest mountain in the West part of Iceland

Enjoy your day


  1. What a beautiful place you grew up in!!! Lucky you!
    Have a nice day and thanks a lot for sweet comment.

    1. You are most welcome Kaspara :) And thank you, yes this place is very beautiful and we feel very fortunate to have a place like this to visit every summer :)

      Have a lovely day!


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