
Neon origami crane

There is a thing for neon going on these days and I can´t help but to like it - maybe it´s the old 80´s flare in me? - there is just something so fresh about these colors...if used in moderation that is ;)

I had a piece of paper in the most wonderful neon-coral color and decided to make an origami crane from it. Felt like the apartment could use a bit of a color splash.

I´ve had a thing for origami cranes for some time and I love the symbolic meaning for cranes. They  symbolise health, happiness, immortality and longevity. In Japan origami cranes are a popular gifts for f.e. new borns. It is also supposed to bring good luck to fold an origami crane and if you have folded 1000 cranes you will be granted a wish by a crane. I haven´t folded thousand cranes - but I´m getting there ;)

Here are some instructions if you want to have a go at making your own crane. The photos are not a complete  step by step instructions but just so you get the gist of it.

Follow these and you will be allright ;)

Good luck and if you have any questions about this just leave me a comment.
Happy friday!


  1. okei ég verð að fara að koma til þín í kennslustund::)))er þetta bara ekki næsta saumóverkefni::))langar svo að læra þetta,læri betur sjónrænt heldur eftir leiðbeiningum heh::))knús sá þig

    1. já hvernig væri það Elva, skella bara í origamisaumó - Sóla er öflug í þessu líka :)

  2. Svona trönur eru æði, ég væri líka til í að læra svo þú þurfir ekki alltaf að gera fyrir mig:-) knús Stína syst

  3. Hello:)
    Thanks for lovely comments:)I dont think I can make those:)
    So nice to hear from someone on Iceland:)
    have a lovely day

    1. thank you, well it took some time to get the technique and once in a while the come out very crippled ;)
      All the best


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