Ég er ekki mjög bleik manneskja, frekar svona grá og svört...en hvað myndi ég nú fá mér ef ég ætlaði að "bleikja" mig upp?
Earlier in October, on the international breast cancer awareness day, many wore something pink to work. I intended to do as well but found out that I didn´t have anything pink to wear...except for a pair of pink socks which my nine year old borrowed to be able to wear something pink in school.
I am not a very pink person, much rather a grey and black one...but what would I wear if I wanted to pink myself up?
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Jæja, ég hef ár til þess að bæta einhverju af þessu í fataskápinn...þangað til get ég alltaf gætt mér á bleikum kökum til að bæta bleiku í líf mitt ;)
Well, I have a whole year to add something pink to my wardrobe...until then I can always pink up my life with a pink cake ;)
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