
Cosy saturday

M og S (ásamt afleggjurum) í kaffi hjá mömmu - sparistell - vöfflur með sultu og rjóma - einn lítill sem var ægilega glaður með að fá að drekka úr fínum bolla og dýfði andlitinu í rjómann til að fá skegg = huggulegur laugardagur :)
M and S (with their young ones) had coffe with mum - the best china - waffles with cream and jam - a young one who was very happy being allowed to drink from such a fine cup and dipped his face in the cream to get moustache = cosy saturday :)

The best china - brings up memories of childhood birthdays and hot cocoa
The February cup - violets
Taking so much care with the cup ;)

Vonandi hafið þið átt ánægjulegan laugardag / Hope you had a pleasant saturday

1 comment:

  1. þvílík ofurfegurð í einum dreng :)
    kv. Stína


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