
Birthdaygirl - afmælisstelpa !

Miss E on her 10th birthday

Fröken Embla varð 10 ára fyrir nokkrum dögum og af því tilefni var haldið almennilegt partý. Bekkjarsysturnar heiðruðu hana með nærveru sinni og fökenin unga var búin að vera dugleg við skreytingarnar ásamt móður sinni. Afraksturinn sést á myndunum...pizza, bleikt poppkorn, bleikar bollakökur og dásamlega regnbogakaka...djús í flöskum og auðvitað fengu allar stelpurnar merkt rör. Veislan heppnaðist vel og Fröken E var glöð :)


Miss Embla had her 10th birthday few days ago and to celebrate that we had to have real girls-only-party. Her classmates (just the girls though) graced her with their presence and little miss thing had been busy crafting with her mother. The results are as follows...pizzas, pink popcorn, pink muffins and delicious rainbow cake...juice in a bottle and of course every girl got her name on a straw to label the bottles. The party was a succes and Miss E was happy :)

Pink muffins for each girl
Not just wonderful to look at but wonderful to taste ;)
Old smoothie bottles that have been collected over a period of time
Birthday bliss!

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